Well, this first month of our New Year has been filled with much activity, travels, laughter and visitors from Canada!!! And it has been with great joy, that I've welcomed for the first time, visitors who were a part of my "former" life back home; to share my experiences, the Peruvian culture, food, sights, and especially the mission that ELCIC has sent me here to do on their behalf.
Heather, with Dave and Carol Eaton, visiting Sara's Circle. This women's group makes various stoles, sweaters, vests, shawls, mitts, gloves, and bags to sell around the world.
Pictured to the left is one of their stoles...
And pictured to the right, are Maura (left) and Flora tallying the orders...so grateful for orders and support! Although not an "official" role, I have continued to accompany and work on their behalf to help them receive orders from Canada and other countries.
It has been a rich time and an opportunity to reflect on and re-experience, through their eyes, what life is like in Lima, Peru, as well as explore once again what is mission and ministry in this time and place. One guest asked me "Why do we have a Canadian, ELCIC, missionary here in Peru?" What a simple, yet profound, question in a time when church budgets are being cut, church memberships are on the decline and "misson" seems like something we ought to do in our own country to help grow, develop, and share the Gospel. So, exactly, why continue to send missionaries?
Heather Bepple with members of our Thursday night Bible Study,
she brought some "Maple Leaf" cookies to share...yummy!!!
Pictured to the left is one of their stoles...
And pictured to the right, are Maura (left) and Flora tallying the orders...so grateful for orders and support! Although not an "official" role, I have continued to accompany and work on their behalf to help them receive orders from Canada and other countries.
It has been a rich time and an opportunity to reflect on and re-experience, through their eyes, what life is like in Lima, Peru, as well as explore once again what is mission and ministry in this time and place. One guest asked me "Why do we have a Canadian, ELCIC, missionary here in Peru?" What a simple, yet profound, question in a time when church budgets are being cut, church memberships are on the decline and "misson" seems like something we ought to do in our own country to help grow, develop, and share the Gospel. So, exactly, why continue to send missionaries?
Pastora Ofelia (left), Pastora Dana (ELCA), and myself working at a Pastor's Conference...another way of accompaniment.
After thinking for a moment, my simple answer was: "to accompany the church and its members in Peru." And in this definition, to accompany is to walk alongside those with whom we are in ministry. To accompany does not only mean giving donations of food, clothing, or other necesities. Nor does it only mean trying to answer difficult questions with money. To be in relationship with another church body means to accompany them in the day to day changes, challenges, and joys! This is my definition of accompaniment, anyway, because in my musical experience, the one who "accompanies" plays an integral role whether in rehearsal, concert, performance or recital. The role of the accompanist is a key, important, necessary and interdependent role/relationship!
These are some of the young musicians at Filadelfia, in the district of Lurin, with whom I've been working/accompanying. They wish to learn how to better lead their congregation in its worship services, so we've been focusing on presentation and confidence. They're a very vital group of young, committed musicians!!
As a singer/soloist for most of my life, I have known that a performance can only be as good as the accompanist with whom one is working. The role of the accompanist, generally a pianist, is to compliment the soloist; they listen attentively, adjust their playing, give attention to the dynamic subleties, and watch for the interpretation of the piece. The good ones recognize that they are not the soloist, the main performer,and that their role is to support and compliment the work of the soloist. The irony of now teaching piano/accompaniment have been a soloist has not escaped me and at the same time speaks volumes to how a mutual sense of appreciation and musicality can develop even in the most fervent of "soloists".
Pictured here in Iquitos at the congregation of Fiel es Dios, teaching Jazmin and Diana which fingers correspond with which notes on the keyboard...they were an enthusiastic group!!
It is this model of healthy accompaniment to which I have tried to adhere in our (ELCIC) partnership with ILEP (Evangelical Lutheran Peruvian Church). We missionaries are, in fact, the accompanists. We are not the soloist, nor is the ELCIC. We are in partnership, we are those who accompany the pastors, the congregations, the church leaders, the National Councils and the President, along with other organizations with whom the church collaborates. We accompany. We walk alongside, journey with, reflect upon, and listen to those with whom we are called to minister. Most importantly, our role is to support and compliment the work of our partner church.
It is not an easy task to accompany. As recent ELCIC visitors learned, my schedule is hectic and varied. There is alot of managing, meeting, talking, debating, interrupting, delaying, celebrating, traveling (we were up to Iquitos for teaching music), leading, guiding, writing (emails/newsletters/blog/reports!), driving, and especially waiting as all things in Peru eventually are realized in their own time. I am grateful to those who were here to visit and accompany me, to learn about the ministry and about the culture here in Peru!!
As we continue to move forward in new directions with greater challenges, I ask for your continued prayers and financial support: for ILEP, the National Council, President Armando, the Conference of Pastors, the leaders and members, as well as for our ELCIC in our challening times. Please pray that we can each accompany one another in the love and grace of God, faithfully and effectively, so that God's redeeming grace may continue to be proclaimed to all parts and all peoples!!
Con el amor y la gracia de Nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo,
In the love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
Pastora Fran.
1 comment:
God Bless your ministry in Peru. I so enjoy your updates. I have recommended your blog to our up coming delegation from the LaCrosse Area synod.
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