Christmas Greetings to supporters, friends, and family!
These greetings are sent with my love and best wishes for a beautiful and memorable Christmas Season and a Happy New Year! As well, I bring greetings from ILEP, the Lutheran Church in Peru, and from the congregation of San Juan Camino de Esperanza!
It seems to be a season for preparation....
Here, Carmen and Haydee are preparing a simple lunch for the children at our Saturday School program.
The children are preparing gifts to give to their parents for Christmas..
The worship space has been prepared....
And we at San Juan Camino de Esperanza have been actively preparing with faithful and hopeful expectation in these days of Advent not only for the birth of the Christ-child this Christmas, but literally for us, it has been a time of great expectation as we have been preparing for the construction to begin on part of our new church!
We start to have a sense of the hopeful expectation of Mary and Joseph, of the apostles, and of generations of Christians with each step we take in the process to secure a building license. With each fee or tax that is paid, with each document that is ready, and with each step that is completed in this very long process, we are brought closer to that long-awaited time! We will soon begin to build and we will soon have a new structure in which to worship and teach the children of our community! As you can imagine, we are getting very excited!! These are signs and preparations of a different sort, but are filled with much joy and hopeful expectation, too!
And as for me, in addition to teaching music with the children at Cristo Salvador, I have been focusing some effort on preparing, too: for Navidad/Christmas worship, for the Canadian visitors who will be here in January, making a calendar/rotation to involve two seminaries of the congregation, and developing a work plan for 2010 .
Whatever our preparing for Christmas, may God continue to guide, lead, support and uplift us by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be ready for the Christ-child who is to come!
With love, joy, and hopeful expectation this Christmas Season!
Pastora Fran.
The World Mission Group at Messiah in Camrose prays for you on a regular basis, and sends to you our prayer that your Christmas will be blessed in all ways, personally, and with your many new friends. May the Peace of Christ be with you.
From Ray Blacklock
I am so excited to hear about the progress in the new building. I cherish my memory of worshiping at San Juan when in Peru in 06 with the La Crosse Area synod delegation.
Blessings in the New year and your continued work.
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