Greetings to family, friends, supporters,
It is often a question of perspectives, isn't it?
Is it not a question of perspective? The stone "stairs" are hardly persceptible, even in this photo, but they are there, I can assure you! The children and pets run up and down these stairs without a care or concern, but it is a very steep and dangerous incline. Up until a month ago, parishioners in this part of the barrio hauled their water up these rugged staircases on a daily basis. No one is entirely sure why, but the Municipality gave priority to those who live the highest and steepest distances from waterlines below (a most logical decision, of course), but to our persception at San Juan, it was an act of pure and surprising grace!
Near to the top of the hill, Ana Maria and I finally arrive to visit with parishioners, Sonia, Roberto and their children, Kevin and Robert, who sort of wove their way into, out of, and around our visit! The children's perspective is that their home, their lives, their stone staircase is normal, a part of their childhood. For those of us from other countries, with our own experiences, realities and backgrounds, this might not appear to be typical. My "normal" childhood, for instance, inlcuded having a swingset in the grassy backyard.
What is normal for one is different for another: it is all a question of perspective!
What is normal for one is different for another: it is all a question of perspective!
And I rejoice for the questioning of my perspectives!!
November has flown by, it seems, filled with various activities in addition to those of changing perspectives!
I was happy to welcome visitors from Thunder Bay, Raija and Vappu. Pictured here is Vappu Kormano,
from Hilldale Lutheran. They stopped over for a short time in the wee hours of the night
and were gone again after perhaps 2-3 hours of sleep. But because of a brief stop-over,a shower and a place to callhome in the middle of travels to Argentina, they left refreshed. Sure was nice to see some friendly faces from my home-town and my parents' congregation!
November was my second month teaching music at Cristo Salvador, located in San Juan de Miraflores (one of the districts of Lima). I have been teaching keyboard, singing, guitar and zampoƱa for about 12 children and youth each week. With December coming quickly to an end, so will my time at Cristo Salvador, two more weeks left!
Learning the fingering...
In keeping with the tradition of other Canadian Lutheran Missionaries in Peru (all women, by the way!), I am accompanying the group "Sara's Circle, or Circulo de Sara. Located in Marquez, one of the districts in Lima, Sara's Circle a group of women who work with Alpaca wool, along with synthetic fibers,
to make all kind of sweaters, bags, even stoles!
These are some of the bags that they are currently working on to prepare for sale...hopefully in Canada!
And this is one of their vest and some stoles in the background.
Send me a quick email or comment if any of their items look like something you'd like to have...their work is
beautiful and their labours provide a living for the women of the group! Little by little, we hope to grow their small business and increase awareness of the work they doing so, perspectives and
possiblities grow and change, too!!!
And so, throughout our life's journey, our perspectives continue to change and adapt. And thanks be to God that our lives are not stagnant, that our viewpoints and assumptions can be challenged and questioned in order for us to grow!! It is not always an easy process, there are growing pains, but this is God's work within us and within our communities of faith! Through the Word of God, in the waters of our baptism and in the Eucharist that we share, we are reminded that God is at work with us in Jesus Christ to bring about justice, peace, reconciliation....what wondrous love is this, indeed!
As we celebrate this season of Advent at San Juan Camino de Esperanza, we think on those visitors from Canada and the USA who were with us in the previous year and we extend our warmest greetings and hugs to all of you!!! May all of your Christmas celebrations serve as a reminder that the baby in the manger changes everything, including our perspective!!
O God of all that is, that was, and that is to come, guide us in this season of waiting and preparation. Help us, at San Juan, as we wait to break ground on Phase I of our construction, and be with all who wait: expectant mothers, those who will be reunited with loved ones for the Christmas season, those who await news of a loved one's recovery from illness...those who wait for a loved one to pass. Confirm our faith in You, O God, that in all of our waiting, expecting, and changing perspectives we may know that it is Your hand that is guiding us and your love for us, made perfect in Jesus Christ our Lord, which sustains us. Amen.
With blessings and peace in this season of Advent and throughout the Christmas Season!
Pastora Fran
1 comment:
Blessings to you in your work at ILEP. I appreciate your perspectives and sharings
Merry Christmas
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