Greetings with peace and blessings, dearest family, friends, and supporters!!!
More than the song, "Deep in the Heart of Texas", we learned recently that the hearts of TexaNs are filled with love, grace, support, and affection for us, their Christian brothers and sisters in Peru!!!
The last week of July, ILEP (Lutheran Church in Peru) welcomed over thirty visitors from the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, one of our companion congregations in the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). It was an exciting week, with many tours to the various congregations in Lima. As well, many in the group visited Iquitos prior to their time in Lima AND members of the companion congregations went to visit their respective companion congregation, Galilea, in Huacho.
We were all so pleased to welcome warmly our beloved guests, many of whom were returning to Peru as well as the "first-timers" for what has become an annual TLGC Synod visit!
Our week together began with greetings from ILEP's new President, Pastor Armando Capcha (with translation from David Wunsch, The ELCA's Regional Representative for Global Mission in South America), followed by a bible study and orientation to Peru and ILEP.
Our tour later that afternoon, took us to the congregations of Emmaus and Buen Pastor, whose Pastor is Andres Palencia. Pictured here are visitors and members of Emmaus in their sanctuary.
And here is the entire group at Buen Pastor...
The next three days, the larger group was divided in order to visit respective companion congregations. At San Juan Camino de Esperanza, we were very pleased to welcome 14 of the TLGC visitors, from our companion congregation, Grace Lutheran Church, in Conroe, Texas!
We began our first day together at San Juan with introductions and sharing the focus of each of our ministries. Members of the San Juan Council, leaders of the children's program and church members came out to welcome our visitors and share what the church presence means in their community. As Peruvians and Americans (and one Canadian!) talked about their church, we identified many similarities in the strengths, challenges and joys in each of our congregations. This offered a good beginning to deepening our companion relationship!
San Juan President, Carlos Huarcaya, shows our visitors the approved architectural drawings...
The next day, we painted the church wall, the Luther Rose on the door of the church, and did some patch-work on part of the wall that had deteriorated a little bit....

Some members of San Juan were able to help, but many were working at their jobs of course...


A huge change; we are a grateful congregation!!
For the other part of our day we took a walking tour of the neighbour to visit members and meet them in their homes. This continued our day of sharing and growing together. For many returning visitors, this was the first time visiting people in their homes and seeing where many of the members of the church live. It turned out to be a very inspirational day!
Walking around the neighbourhood...
Many of the children who participate in our "Escuela Sabatina" or Saturday School, live in the cierra's, in the hills...
Parents and children joined us for our tour!
There were a few stragglers along our pilgrimmage
The Fiesta (Party) at the church:
We sang songs and learned some new actions...
There were a variety of activities for the children....
Contributing a square for a "stained glass" mural
Crosses to take home....
The children at San Juan prepared two dances: the serpent dance came from the amazon and the other is a traditional Peruvian dance (for which I cannot remember the name!).
Pictured here are Vladimir, Miguel and Kevin
There was more dancing, we shared a meal, more games and activities! We concluded our time together with a presentation from Grace, as they danced to "Deep in the Heart of Texas". After teaching us the words and actions to this favorite song, gifts were given to the children...
DAY FIVE: other visits to ILEP congregations...

In the breaking of bread and pouring of wine, we shared our last day together, Sunday.
Following worship service, were more songs and sharing of gifts from San Juan to those from Grace and vice versa! We were happy to receive two new sewing machines which will be used by our newly formed women's group!!

Indeed, the hearts of TexaNs run deep and are filled with the love of God which is in Christ Jesus as witnessed time and again during the visit. In our travels to the churches, in our time together at San Juan Camino de Esperanza, on the buses, in conversations over morning coffee, in many of the meetings and debrief sessions, and with the members of the congregation, we were witnesses, once again, to God's gracious presence among us! The hearts of TexaNs do run deep, inspired of the Holy Spirit who is leading, directing, calling and guiding us all to greater service to our neighbours,known and unknown, and particularly to our brothers and sisters in faith in the Lutheran Church in Peru.
"And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
May the Lord continue to bless, strengthen and guide this partnership/companion relationship with TLGC Synod as we serve Christ together!!
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