Grace to you and peace, from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
"For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone." Psalm 91: 11-12
Have you ever felt like you were lifted up from the ground, say about two feet off the ground for instance? Or perhaps like these paragliders in the middle of our Peruvian "winter"?!
Maybe we're not lifted quite this high, but there is enough of a change in altitude (or attitude) that it is noticeable. Have you ever felt exhalted, lifted, raised up and taken to a new elated an experience that you never wanted it to end??

And so, having recovered well from surgery,I've hit the ground running: travelling, preaching, and meeting more people and places within ILEP. To aid in these travelling ventures, Lorna, a Lutheran church musician (from Normandale Lutheran in Minneapolis, Minnesota), returned to Peru to accompany me and the congregations of Talitha Kum (Cusco) and Galilea (Huacho) in improving their musicianship and learning about liturgy. We also did some touring, pictured here at the ruins of "Parque Tahuantinsuyo".
The focus of our time and work was with the congregation of Talitha Kum, pictured here is the church door...the basement was constructed first and that is where worship services and meetings are held.
Their pastora is Ofelia Davila Llimpe....
And here is a glimpse of the community where the church is located....
We taught between 10-15 children how to play the zampoƱa...
....and a few singing techniques along with a few new songs (even some with actions)
We helped develop a small women's choir of 4-8 voices. I taught them some vocal techniques and simple ways to improve their singing as well as some new songs.
Here are some of the adults and children from Talitha Kum who participated in the music program...
We were back in Lima for a few short days where we toured a little-Parque Tahuantinsuyo and the ruins of pre-Incan culture. Of course, at San Juan Camino de Esperanza, we held our weekly worship service and felt blessed to have Lorna's accompaniment. THEN, right after service we headed to the bus station for the three hour bus trip up to Huacho. It was a long day as we went right from the bus depot to the worship service (which had already started!) at Galilea, the Lutheran church there. We were welcomed with open arms and embraces by the members.
On the way to Huacho.....desert with an occasional oasis of greenery...
At Galilea, Lorna again taught beginning piano,this time with the youth...
...and we also worked on finer details of song leading. They were a captive, attentive group of 11 young people and it was wonderful to see how quickly they soaked in all of the ideas and teachings!
In the evenings, I led a session on the liturgy for up to 16 congregational members. We discussed and learned the "ordo" of the liturgy, and explored the "why" of liturgy, to reach a deeper understanding of the how the church's mission, i.e. God's mission for us, and the liturgy are linked as the assembled people of God gather to celebrate in Word and Sacrament. We will continue to discuss and explore the liturgy when I return again in a couple of weeks.
A breath-taking glimpse of the ocean from the walkway in Huacho...
Our voices were raised in song at both Talitha Kum and Galilea. We applied new ideas, grasped how to read music with enthusiasm and joy, and were lifted up in a profound way, about two feet off the ground!!! I was again reminded how God continues to amaze, inspire, work, renew, and call each of us. The energy, enthusiasm, the smiles and laughter speak to our connection and relationship as one in the body of Christ. Music particularly connects us and speaks to us regardless of the language and/or cultural barriers.
What an incredible journey of faith this first year of service with the ELCIC has been, through the adjusting and adapting, the changes and challenges, the joys and precious moments!! God is quite amazing...and surprising. For example, God has continued to astound me with those who feel called to volunteer their time and energy (not to mention dollars), and a piece of their hearts to help support my work and that of ILEP. And so, I wish to thank you, Lorna, for trusting me, the ELCIC and ILEP with two weeks of your vacation time. Your presence with the members at both Talithat Kum and Galilea was more appreciated than anyone can properly express! God worked to make this opportunity happen, things came together so smoothly, and while you take a piece of Peru with you in your heart, please know that you have also left a piece of your heart here with those of us who continue to work and serve God's church in Peru!
And so....we are lifted two feet off the ground, or sometimes more, by the gracious love and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who continues to shower us with grace upon grace, giving us renewed enthusiasm and inspired witness to how God is working in, amongst and through us.... Thanks be to God!
In inspired witness~
Pastora Fran
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