Sunday 15 February 2009

Chickens in the Park

Greetings family, friends, supporters~

Greetings, peace and God abundant blessings!

Driving home from worship last Sunday, we spotted some chickens and a rooster sauntering around in a public, municipal park, looking as if they belonged there. What did not seem odd to anyone else, seemed terribly odd (not to mention unsanitary) to me. Just when I think that nothing else can surprise me, Peru comes up with another in a long list! Every day is filled with the unexpected, there is such creativity, diversity and spontaneity. Welcome to Peru, to life here...and to what was apparently another normal Sunday.

Several interesting things have been happening in these last few weeks...

In late January, a delegation from CLWR (Canadian Lutheran World Relief) were here to visit their various projects and as well to meet with ILEP (Iglesia Luterana Evangelica Peruana)to discuss ways of strengthening their partnership. Included are ILEP President, Pastor Pedro Bullon, and CLWR Executive Director, Bob Granke.

Also in late January, my boxes from Canada arrived, nothing broken or missing...this felt like a mini-miracle!

Our Pastoral Ratido (Pastoral Retreat) was shortened to only one day, but still enjoyable. We went to a Retreat/Vacation Centre called "Huampani" in Chaclayo, another district of Lima. It was a full day of meetings and discussions.

As is important to most (if not all pastors), the meals were very good...

There was some time to study and reflect...

As well as to check out the animals wandering around...

Visited Barranco (another district of Lima)this past week....

and then went to the Centre House of St. James Society in Lima. A priest friend is a missionary working in Caraballayo (another district of Lima). It is located beautifully along Barranco's coast and we were there at sunset, which was absolutely spectacular!

At San Juan Camino de Esperanza, I am preaching and presiding every Sunday now, and every week seems to feel more natural. We started a Thursday night bible study, which focuses on the nexts for the following Sunday. This has been a joy! In March, we welcome the children back from summer vacation. San Juan has a Saturday program that includes tutorials, bible study, music, and games. There will be about 100-120 children for about seven hours every Saturday. In addition to this day for the children, we are starting a Women's Group, to study scripture and offer different workshops each week. Also in March, a confirmation class will start-up, as well as baptismal preparation for five young people who wish to be baptized. Very exciting!!

Teaching church liturgy and music will more officially begin with a meeting on Feb. 28th with all of the ILEP musicians and intersted persons. We will hear their needs/concerns, and share the proposal for my work in the churches. It will be exciting to start meeting everyone more directly involved in music ministry in the various congregations! The proposal is for me to work for three month blocks in each congregation to teaching singing, help the choirs (or start choirs), perhaps work with the children, teach some keyboard skills, whatever they feel is a need. The three months will give time to get to know the congregations and their needs, to build trust, and to help develop skills over a period of time. The first congregation will be Belen, located in the Breña District.

As things get underway, there have been times where I have felt like one of those animals(chicken, llama or rooster?)wandering around in the park...feeling out of place at times, trying to find my way around, adapting somewhat, and slowly getting accustomed to everything: a new country, a new way of life, a new congregation, new people, and a new church (not to mention the language!). It is all falling into place rather smoothly, though, and having just received my carné last week, my residency approval, it seems Lima is officially home!!

With peace, joy, and love,
In Christ,
Pastora Fran.


Tim (Christ Chilliwack) said...

Hey Fran. I've been following your blog since it began. Sounds like you have adjusted well to your Peruvian surroundings and are well accepted by the locals. I enjoyed my short periods of time with the people of ILEP and more specifically Emmanuel in Collique. I truly do envy you the opportunity you have to be a part of the unique fabric they have woven as a church family. Please tell Armando and Pedro that Timoteo and the rest of our travelling band from Chilliwack says hello. We are looking forward to our next opportunity to commune with them all once again. May God bless and keep you Fran, and guide the good work that you are doing daily in Lima and beyond.

Noreen Donald and Bryan Tastad said...

Pastora Fran,

We were directed to your blog through the Sask Synod Mission Fax. Congratulations on officially beginning your ministry. You have obviously made terrific strides in learning the language and connecting with the people. God's Blessings on your work.

Pr. Brenda said...

Hi there!
How wonderful to be able to catch up with you and your ministry. Would love to connect so that we can brainstorm how the congregation I serve in Victoria could be a support to your ministry and the people you serve. Please, get back to me.
blessings along the way!