Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Sembrando...Sewing seeds!

Greetings with peace, joy, love and hope in the Lord to all of our friends, family, supporters and interested persons!!! Welcome to this blog and the stories, photos and reflections of life in ministry in Peru....

Over these last two months, we officially kicked-off our new children's ministry program called "Sembrando", which means "sewing seeds". In co-operation with two ELCA companion synods, Sembrando has focused and improved upon the previous children's ministry program. We hope to plant seeds of hope and faith, to support children's futures in terms of education, health and nutrition, and spiritual nurturing. Visiting presenter's recently offered two days of workshops for the Sembrando leaders and pastors. They did a fabulous job!
..results of group work

Sembrando workshop participants & leaders

Ideas, games, stories, challenges and goals were all shared in the workshops which we are now implementing in my first parish, San Juan Camino de Esperanza...

The younger children at San Juan....making crosses 

And the older children & youth learning to work together to move a ball
around on the!

Sembrando, seeds of hope, seeds that grow in soil that God has prepared and made ready...all in its season and all in its time! We give thanks for our children and youth and the ministry that we can provide with/for them thanks to our partner churches and resources (people, monetary, materials) that are so generously offered!!

With much thanks, blessings and joy for a lovely fall in the north just as its warming up and becoming spring in our part of the world....

Pastora Fran

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

ILEP's new web-site!!

Greetings family, friends, and supporters!

So, just last month ILEP (Lutheran Church in Peru) launched its new web-site, with a new design, more information about the pastors and congregations, as well as the various activities that are going on in and around ILEP ministries here!! It's a very exciting proposal and has taken many hours to co-ordinate, gather, and translate all of what has been included thus far. It has been a coordinated effort mostly on the part of German Missionary pastor, Ihrke Buchroth, with Pastor Dana Nelson, ELCA and myself offering the English translations.

Check it out today!!

Their address is:

BLESSINGS to you all as you begin classes, fall programs in your churches, and return from what I hope has been a restful, rejuvenating and fruitful summer vacation!

Peace, love & blessings,
Pastora Fran