Grace and peace to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ: friends, family, supporters and followers!
Although my home leave did not begin at MILE ZERO, this seemed an appropriate way to begin my blog and to share my experiences over the last two and a half months, while in Canada for the first time in two years.
It's exhausting to think of all the miles that have been travelled already, all the way from Lima to Toronto then an immediate connector to Vancouver! Some thirteen flying hours and three times zones later, home leave officially began with a week's participation in a Continuing Education event at Vancouver School of Theology.
Pictured here with fellow participant Rob, and one of our leaders, Jane:
The following week was vacation and a road-trip to Saskatchewan. Travelling through Jasper was amazing and it was wonderful to re-connect with friends and colleagues.
Pictured here with Pastor Courtenay Reedman on our road-trip!
August marked the beginning of speaking and presenting which started at All Saints Lutheran in Kelowa and Hills of Peace in Kamloops. Meetings, presentations, preaching, children's chats and even a friend's Ordination....
Presenting at Hills of Peace Lutheran, Kamloops |
It was onto Vancouver, for more presentations a meeting with Bishop Greg Mohr. A fun day at the children's day-camp at SUMS (Surrey Urban Mission), where we made bracelets from beads from Peru, cooked a delicious Peruvian desert (arroz con leche or rice with milk), and shared pictures, stories and some songs!
Here, just checking if the children know where Peru is!???
Later with almost all of the participants of the Day Camp, some of whom are immigrants born in China, Malyasia, Peru, Ethiopia, Rwanda and various countries from around the world.
Also at SUMS, an evening presentation which included pariticpants from churches in and around Surrey, including: Maple Ridge, Emmanuel Chinese Lutheran, and Christ. Then it was to Our Savior in Richmond a few days later. Again, many particpants from many churches in and around the Vancouver Conference were in attendance...Always, there were interesting and insightful questions, some about women's rights, about education and health care. Interest in and support of our ministry in Peru was overwhelming, in a very good way!
With Director of SUMS, Jonquil Hallgate
Participants at presentations gather, some helping to untwist the strings of the crosses.... |
After the presentations and meetings on the "mainland" it was off to Vancouver Island, and a visit with Grace Lutheran Church, companion congregation with San Juan Camino de Esperanza. Via BC Ferries, this was my first time to the Island and first time on a ferry! I have to admit it WAS much easier, and a little more comfortable, than the hand-crafted canoe-like boat that traversed the Amazon!
The weekend together at Grace helped to strengthen our relationship as we were able to discuss concrete ways of getting to know each other and grow together, to deepen connections despite the miles. There were meetings with members from the Missions Committee as well as preaching, sharing a message with the children, followed my presentation. First, though, was a tour of the Inner Harbour, while visiting with Marnie and Barb...

Parlaiment Buildings...
A walk by the Royal British Columbia Museum to see some very old Totem Poles (those pictures unfortunately didn't turn out as well as this one!)... |
The youth gather in the Nursery at Grace prior to the Worship Service Sunday morning...
Singing along to "Tu has venido a la orilla"
"You have come down to the lakeshore" |
After Worship and my Presentation, pictured with Chivonne, we were both in Ottawa as youth (about 24 years ago...or so) for a Global Hunger and Economic Development Seminar....amazing where God leads us!
Pictured here with Barb from Grace's Missions Committee... |
It was soon back to the Mainland and the long flight from Vancouver to Toronto, then a car's ride to London (thanks Carmen!!!) for CLAY, the Canadian Anglican Lutheran Youth Gathering. Visiting with youth and leaders, along with presenting at a Forum on Vocation, and a meeting with Rev. Carla (new Assistant to the Bishop for Global Missions), then preaching and a presentation at St. Ansgar made for a busy, full but wonderful week. Plus, it my first downpour of rain in two years!!
Assistant to National Bishop, Rev. Paul Gehrs, in the middle of us two missionaries, Rev. Brian Rude and myself... |
Youth from Southwest Parish in Saskatchewan help untangle strings of crosses from Peru...THANKS Emily!!!!
About 400 youth and leaders descend on Fanshawe Pioneer Village, what a beautiful day! |
At the Forum on Church Vocation. Speaking about my choice to be a missionary with ELCIC. Also pictured Sister Val, from the Deaconess Community; Steve, a Waterloo Lutheran Seminary student on Internship; and Lutheran Theological Seminary President Rev. Kevin Ogilvie. |
With Sister Val of the Deaconess Community |
Pictured below, three presentations following the youth London (St. Ansgar), Strattford (Zion) and Waterloo (St. John's), before heading back to Toronto...
A very early start to my last day in Southern Ontario (maybe it was 6:30 am?...thanks Brian!) for the drive to Toronto and St. Ansgar's VBS then later on at Agricola Lutheran for an evening presentation.
Pictured here with one of the rotations of children, playing Peruvian indigenous instruments.
Thunder Bay followed Toronto...and home country!
The large cross which hangs above the altar at Hilldale Lutheran Church in Thunder Bay, ON |
There was preaching for a joint worship service which included all of the Thunder Bay congregations. Then an area presentation and the largest turn-out which was a very inspiring way to end the speaking part of my home leave!
With Pastor Arleen giving an introduction and opening prayer... |
With a rough count of 85 particpants, the fellowship hall was FULL!
Here, learning "Jesus nos ama" with actions, too!! |
After a couple of weeks of vacation visiting family and friends, and it was off to the MNO Pastor's Study Conference at Luther Village (and a peer presentation about my ministry in Peru) then a final week of vacation, before returning.
The beauty of nature at Luther Village and the changing fall colours... |
Now back in Peru, it is impossible to count the miles travelled, by plane, by ferry, by bus, and by car. Many miles which were significant for developing connections and relationships between ELCIC and ILEP (Lutheran Church in Peru), and those with our companion synod of British Columbia. Many conversations and meetings about mission, about the differences between our two countries and our two ways of being church helped enrich this time in Canada. For all this time and grace, I am incredibly grateful...grateful to have met and stayed with so many wonderful people, and especially to meet those with whom I had been emailing for many months (even years)....grateful to feel grounded in those who are interested and supporting missions in the world and particularly that of my ministry in Peru.....grateful for the grace given to me by congregational members, friends and family during this time in Canada!!
Of course, many more reflections are to follow about the experience back home in relation to returning to Peru once again...but for now, my heart is full, I feel very supported as do those with whom I serve, and we remain contented and grateful to know that so many people care about us and what happens in our part of the world!
"We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 1: 2-3
Thank you, oh Canada, oh ELCIC members, friends, family and supporters, for all of the ways you have gifted us with grace, compassion, conversation, and companionship along the journey!
With grace, peace, and love,
Pastora Fran