Hello everyone! This is just a short update...it's been a busy time, but somewhere in the midst of everything was finally was able to purchase my new baby, a 1998 Grand Nomade...yay!!
After driving together to Huacho to work at the congregation Galilea, Pastor/President Armando Capcha and I determined that she's a girl...And last night a friend and I described her as strong, reliable and even fierce and have aptly named her "Zena", after the warrior princess, because certainly driving here one needs a certain amount of warrior-ness!
And so, life in ministry and mission continues with the follow-up trip to Cusco and Talitha Kum this week. Updates from the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod visit, as well as the recent return trips to the Provencias will be posted in the next week...stayed tuned!
For now, know that I am in capable hands, not only God's now but also Zena's, as we travel in and around Lima and various other parts of Peru!
With grace, peace, and joy!
Pastora Fran.