These last few weeks have been quite busy....with the start-up of classes, the beginning of a Bible Study and Confirmation classes, and the hosting of a Canadian visitor, Rev. Paul Johnson. Paul is the Assistant to National Bishop, Rev. Susan Johnson., of the ELCIC.

Rev. Johnson with Pastora Fran
Paul's week-long visit to Peru included meetings with the ILEP (Iglesia Luterana Evangelia Peruana) National Council and President Pedro Bullon.
He also visited at San Juan Camino de Esperanza, on the Sunday that we dedicated paraments from Zion Lutheran, Thunder Bay, Ont., which closed recently. The congregation are grateful for the thoughtful donation!

Local connections were made, also, with the communities of El Triunfo and Fiel es Dios in Iquitos. Pastor Pedro Bullon accompanied Paul and ELCIC Long-Term Missionary Fran Schmidt to the missions in Iquitos.
On the way to Iquitos
Paul and Fran were accompanied on the trek through the jungle by Rev. Yolie of the Amazon Mission.
Visiting with the community at El Triunfo was a gift and blessing as we talked, prayed and sang together.
And the children loved to see pictures of themselves!!
As with our meeting at Fiel es Dios, children, youth, and parents were included. We talked about concerns and needs, as well as ways in which to include young people in the life of the church.
Warm blessings and greetings from the communities in Iquitos whose ministry is supported by the ELCIC and its congregations.
In all of our journeys, we continue to give thanks and praise to God for the abundant blessings and gifts in this life: for family, friends, strangers, neighbours, and this ministry in which we share!
Lenten blessings,
Pastora Fran.