Hello family, friends,and supporters and greetings!!
The view from half way up the mountain is spectular. We had tried to have supper at "Taquina", a restaurant with this incredible view of the city who also serve wonderful food. On this day, though, we travelled all the way up there to find there was a wedding: it wasn't open! The taxi had already left. We thought yesterday to do the same thing, avoiding the day of weddings. Only patience is a virtue here!!! We went to the restaurant to find it open for business. YAY! We told the taxi to go, sat down, ordered, and a few minutes later, found they were out of food. Only in Bolivia! Maybe the third time is charm?! Each trip up the mountain is spectacular and hopefully next weekend (they're only open on weekends!!) we'll atually get to eat!
This kind of patience is a part of life here. I have been anxiously awaiting the day we'll get internet at my house, since a month and a half ago, my family very eagerly thought it a good idea once I offered to pay for the first three months of a six month contract. Things changed, as they often do, though, and that probably will not happen.
Because, you see, these last few weeks have been hectic, aided by the fact that five additional family members have come to live with us for fifteen (now 6 more) days. My host mother could not be happier!!! Their first weekend here (two weekends ago now) was incredibly crazy! Two of the grandchildren in the family had birthdays, both turned three. There were 34 children (and about 40 or 50 adults) at our house on Saturday and the theme was "Lazy Town". We had special guests, a cake and a pinata, of course! At the party on Sunday, there were 20 or so children and about 30 adults. The theme was "Dora", the cake was amazing and expensive for here...480 Bolivianos (about $70) As one can imagine, life has been a little "loco" (crazy) with all of the preparations plus the move. It's been quite a different adventure with 12, yes, that's right, 12 people in our casa (house)! I am grateful to have kept my own room !! Every day continues to be an adventure....no doubt about it. This past weekend, though, was a bit quieter, with some parents working, kids visiting other relatives, etc...living with so many others heightens the cultural adjustments, patience, studies, and immersion experiences and I remain grateful!! too!
This week, I receive my belated one week break between the two-six week courses. Following that, I hope to attend the one Lutheran church here in the city, followed by singing in a Seventh Day Adventist Church (to which some of my family here are members). That will be interesting! And one of my good friends here, a Roman Catholic priest, has invited me to attend his church which is in a barrio, quite rugged and rural, in the south of Cochabamba. These will all be wonderful experiences to add the growing list of diverse experiences, religious and otherwise. Since the move, I have attended a few Roman Catholic Churches in my area, as well as an Episocal Church (whose service was more than two hours long!!)The wealth of religious, cultural, and educational experiences are all part of the preparation for my life and work in Lima and I am so humble and grateful to be here!!!
Oh yes, and fyi...having some trouble uploading pics, so for the next while, it will only be text until the problem can get figured out. This first pic took ten minutes to upload and then it was not possible to add more...so, welcome to the unpredictability of life in Bolivia and enjoy the view!!
With love and peace,